Welcome To Support

I have only two support options available to you:

1) Review the FAQ, and
2) Then reach out to me! I am here to assist you.

I strongly encourage ALL my customers to sign up to my NewsLetter . You will not be besieged by emails. My goal is to send messages monthly, but quartly is most likely, for sure when I have sales.

Got a suggestion for a new applications? Send it in! Have an enhansement Idea or need a feature added...send it in!

Frequently Asked Questions

This is, and will be forever a work-in-progress page.



My newsletter is reserved to announce sales, and Major Product releases and Enhancements.  I am not planning on more than ONE per month, but I doubt they will come out more than every quarter.

Product Bug

Product Enhancement


I use a 3rd party service for everything money related. This service is Fast Spring.  They handle all taxing issues.

Absolutely. I use Fast Spring for everything Money related.  When you click the Purchase License you are transferred to my Store on Fast Spring, all products are there, this is where your shopping cart is.  Fast Spring accepts almost every way to pay imaginable. PAHLabs has NO access to your information. I am notified via email of purchase. 


All products sold on my site come with a minimum od 30 trial. This trial period is a fully functioning product, though other data related limitations are imposed. For example, My Diary/Journal program limits entries tom 50 words. 

So, these are ALL try before you buy. 



Can't find a solution in the FAQ? Then please fill out a Support Ticket Below.